There is a whole pile of books on our shelves which we read over and over again without getting bored and there are some titles which can be read a million times and i remember my little ones loved those ones alot and I would like to share some over here.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle: This is a fantastic book which all my kids loved when they were young and its one of my favourite too. This book teaches children about days of the week ,life cycle of a butterfly , counting and colours.This book is full of colours as well as excitement and kids love guess the next snack which the hungry caterpillar would like to eat next.
Pete The Cat by James Dean :These are wonderful series for preschoolers.All the books in the series have a humorous brightly illustrated cat which catches the attention of the child and are worth to buy. These ones were popular in our house when my 3rd daughter was three years old and she loved them .I highly recommend this book.
Where's Spot?By Eric Hill:This ones again an exciting book which kids love.They like to lift the flaps and find out where spot is hiding.There are about 51 Spot books and all of them are interesting such as Spot's First Walk,Spot Goes To School,Spot Goes To The Farm etc...This book would be a perfect present for 0-5 year olds.