Tuesday, November 15, 2022

How To Get Kids Fond Of Books And Reading.

 Reading plays an important role in our life.Kids learn from what they see in their surroundings and if we want our kids to have a love of reading then we should try to look into these following tips in order to create a good reading habit in our children .

  • we should have a variety of books in our home and it would be great to set up a cozy reading corner or a small library .
  • Visit the libraries,book fairs,book shops and also author events with children to create interest and also meeting authors can inspire them toread their books as well.
  • start reading stories to them as early as possible and read them stories at bedtime as its also a good way of bonding with them as well as winding up the day.

  • Have a reading chart for them and reward them when they finish the desired books and reach their goal.
  • Make storytime fun and use expressions,funny sounds and props to make stories interesting.
  • Let books be part of their daily routine such as when going in a car,or going for doctors appointment and sitting there in waiting room or even at naptimes or mealtimes.

  • Allow younger ones to turn the pages and lift the flaps of the book if there are any to build their concentration and interest also encourage them to retell the story and ask them questions if they are old enough to answer.
  • Read atleast 20 minutes a day!
  • Be a role model for them and spend some time of the day reading infront of them:)
  • Take kids for story time sessions if there are any in your local library or bookshops.

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